Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Relationship between PR practitioners and Lawyers

According to the interview I condected with a PR practitioner and lawyer, both of them talked about the close and amicable relationship between them.

However, we tent to hesitate a littel in predicting the future of this rosy relationship. It might be that both parties were saying these sorts of answer to try and benefit their particular field of interest by not adding "fuel to the fire."

There is an interesting articles about this relationship in 1984.
In the article "PR Counselors' Prickly Relationship with Lawyers" (Sidney, 1984) , Alec Been, president of Benn & MacDonough, stated that "Lawyers don't want to say anything. Lawyers often famage a firm's reputation in their eagerness to avoid suits. Lawyers are necessarily antagonistic. Theirs is an asversary profession. Public relations people often don't make their recommendations pertinent enough to the corporation's interest." (Sidney, 1984, p.26)

Even though this article was published years ago, this statement is completely qualified by the PR practitioner in the discussion of previous employment (see the former posted blog-interview with PR practitioner).

It was said that the lawyer in his or her previous firm did not let anyone speak with the press or publid, to the point that it made employees not want to perform their job as a PR person. It did seem that this type of incident had ceased to exist in teh current employment though.

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